Famine in Tanjore:


Around 1642, VijayarAghava nAyaka the ruler of Tanjore faced attacks from neigbhouring kings. He had to negotiate treaties with them in order to survive. A huge portion of his wealth went away to other kings. In addition, successive monsoons failed and the province came under the grip of famine. VijayarAghava nAyaka spent freely from his treasury to reduce the hardship of his people but this was not enough. He visited Kumbhakona and sought refuge at the feet of RAyaru. He begged RAyaru to visit Tanjore and stay there. His hope was that the mere presence of RAyaru would make the gods smile on his kingdom, thus reducing the hardship of his subjects. RAyaru agreed and stayed in Tanjore for 12 years. He spent the resources of the maTha freely in feeding thousands of starving people. He also organized special yagyas to reduce the influence of famine. His presence brought back fortune to the kingdom and the king’s treasury became full again. Rains started coming on time and in adequate quantities to fill up the tanks and reservoirs. In due course of time, by RAyaru’s grace the kingdom came back to its original state of prosperity. To celebrate this happy event, the king organized a special yagya under the stewardship of RAyaru. He offered Lord rAma a very costly necklace studded with precious stones and gems. RAyaru took it with a smile and threw it into the agni kunDa (sacrificial fire). The king was totally taken aback to see this. RAyaru, who was watching the king’s emotions with a smile, sprinkled water from his kamanDala on the fire and prayed to Lord ParashurAma. To the great astonishment of everybody present, the necklace rose out of the fire, even more resplendent than before, shining with a diving sparkle. Later, RAyaru explained to the king that a necklace already worn by humans was not fit to adorn Lord rAma’s neck, and thus had to undergo purification through fire.


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